
I started this blog to document the progress of my collection of Josh Hamilton baseball cards.  I picked a geeky name for it, because I am a bit of a science geek myself.  I am a huge sports fan.  My favorite sport is hockey, with baseball and football close behind.

7 Responses to About

  1. paully Vegas says:

    as a fellow web-person i wanted to thank you for putting up a clean and refreshing site honoring J.Hamilton. i can personally vouch for dozens of friends of mine visiting here regularly in the near-future and look forward to reading anything/everything you can put up about him…

    You have a daily/regular visitor in me, and i hope the site “makes it” for a long time. Keep up the good work, the hits will be sure to come…

    rock and roll!

  2. Dustin Hockensmith says:

    Word Press is a great thing.

    Wrote a quick story about Josh Hamilton, didn’t stumble upon your blog in my search, then saw it when WP recommended it.

    Good stuff, no longer a card collector myself, but do still have a Shaquille O’Neal collection that goes about 300 deep.

    Looking forward to checking out yours and some of the other sports card blogs in your blog roll.

  3. obsessedwithsports says:

    Cool blog you have here, interesting topic. I can’t find your contact info; shoot me an email (obsessedwithsports@gmail.com), I have a question.

  4. gobigpelf34 says:

    nice blog! god bless josh hamilton!

  5. paully vegas says:


    Thank you again for such an informative, classy, and entertaining website to visit every day!

    I wanted to update you that MLB Tv will be having an hour-long Josh Hamilton bio/special this friday (feb 27) @ 9pm .

    Let’s spread the word, and hope for a great show!

    Looking forward to it,
    (and any coverage you ahve for it :D)

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